• Ernie Ball
  • MusicMan
  • Sterling by MusicMan
Feb 9, 2017
Picked up a second Stingray5 last year, and have noticed an intermittent issue with the cable jack. Any pressure on the cable side-to-side (as, for example, when I bump the cable with my hip or leg while moving around) causes a squelching/squawking sound. Seems like cable tip has just enough play or room to move that it's somehow causing some kind of short. Tried various cables, unplugging, replugging, and it's clearly an issue with the jack.

Obviously, I don't really know what I'm talking about, which is why I'm posting here. Anyone run into something like this before? Thoughts on how to resolve it? My current plan is to take it into a local luthier to get it looked at and possibly replace the jack. Kind of frustrating though, since it's a $2200 instrument that has spent pretty much it's entire existence packed away in its case. Thanks in advance for any advice.


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2009
England U.K
Not a fan of internet fault diagnosis but the squelching sound you are describing sounds to me like the pre amp rebooting up after the connection has been lost. I can’t see it being much, dry joint, wire coming loose on jack plug, at worse a new jack plug. Either way it’s no major problem.
Providing that is the issue, that’s blind guess at it.
Hope you get it sorted


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
New Jersey
The jacks have two contacts that get pushed together when a cable is inserted, which sends power to the preamp. That can get dirt stuck in it, and also they can sometimes get bent. Might be a good idea to pull the control cover and clean the jack.
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