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Active member
Aug 8, 2016
I just got my Valentine today from Sweetwater.

I think I love it - pretty darn sure I really, really like it...wanting to love it.

Does anybody else find the neck a little "delicate" for lack of a better term...like it's almost like an SG neck to me - like any movement on my part wavers the pitch up & down.

Am I just being ham-fisted?!? LOL

I know there are some people that feel a highly figured maple neck is weaker than a normal maple neck, and mine has some very nice flame figuring as well as some almost spalted looking figuring (obviously I know it's not spalted, but for lack of a better way to describe it, it resembles that)...so I'm wondering if I'm being overly critical of a new $1800 guitar or not.

I bought with very strong intentions of using it as a recording guitar so I'm wondering if it's just me or if anyone else has had any similar thoughts.

Have never noticed it with my Majesty, AL, Game Changer, or Morse before...though none of those have highly figured necks (or even roasted maple necks).


Active member
Aug 8, 2016
Also, looking for opinions on these knobs...

Normally I like and have put these kind of knobs on several of my guitars and figured I would on the Val too, but I'm not sure I like them as much as I thought I would. Thinking of going back to the stock knobs and leaving the chrome switch tip.



Well-known member
Nov 13, 2015
I can't speak to the neck issue, but the knobs look ugly as hell on that beautiful guitar...


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2009
Honolulu, HI
Who cares what anyone thinks? If YOU like them, rock 'em.

Not sure I understand what you mean about the neck. All of my EBMM's have been pretty solid as far as tuning. Have you checked that the neck is fully bolted to the body?


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2007
Central Ohio
Knobs - since you are asking for opinions, I think they are very unattractive on that guitar.

Highly figured necks - I have heard that too and I have also heard that there is no truth to it. I have and have had EBMM with highly figured necks and those void of grain characteristics and both have been equal.

The Valentine has a roasted neck which adds strength. I have two with roasted necks (both L3's) and love them.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
AZ High Country
Any EBMM neck should be solid. If yours is flexing, especially easily, I would contact customer service. It's possible you got a rare one that's too soft...

And fwiw, I agree that the radio knobs just don't work there.... ick....


Active member
Aug 8, 2016
Yeah, the stock knobs have returned. Those work on some guitars, definitely not on the Val.

I can only describe what I meant about the neck as like my experiences with the various SG's I have had throughout my life - there's so much neck sticking out there on an SG due to the way it is set into the body that I have always kind of pulled the guitar in and out of pitch because the neck just seemed to flex a bit more than say a Les Paul or something with a bit more "body" around it! Not sure if that makes sense to anybody or not. It's a big reason I don't have an SG anymore.

I took the Val into the studio and messed around with it for like an hour - it seemed OK in there - didn't notice it as much. I think maybe I was just being over-critical right when I got it - it's probably no worse than what any other guitar does (excpet maybe an SG!) but I was listening super-critical, or maybe even the guitar hadn't acclimated to it's new surroundings yet.

I did do a quick set up on it - adjusted the action a bit, etc. Plays nice. Intonation was pretty out on the G, A, & E stings but the others were fairly spot on...I don't know about that so called 55-point inspection at Sweetwater!! I've gotten guitars that were setup so sweet it was crazy and others that were set up like crap...probably factory setups and their "inspection" might not go any further than making sure the neck ain't broke in half! I always prefer doing my own setups anyway so no big deal...I'm not an EB string user either so I knew I was going to put NYXL's on it and do a setup anyway.

Sometimes I sit when I'm recording, sometimes I don't, and thing I did notice in the studio is that I really don't find it as comfortable sitting down with it as the majority of my other guitars. Leaning back on a couch - definitely, but sitting on my studio chair in the position I use when I'm recording something sitting down and the body feels too far to my right. Sitting it on my left thigh and it's way too far to the left. Nothing like a Majesty that is just plain comfortable in ANY position! I can take care of that just by putting a short strap on it that holds the guitar more where I want it when I'm sitting with it - I don't think that'll be any kind of game changer as to whether I keep it or not.

I'm a Tele lover, and I have a LOT of Teles, and to be honest, the Val doesn't really give me anything tonally that I absolutely can't get with one of my Teles...and that could very possibly be due to the fact that I just own too many damn Teles! But that would probably be the biggest reason at this point that I wouldn't keep it. All of my other EB's seem to do something or give me something that another of my guitars doesn't (especially the Majesty and the Game Changer) but so far I'm not seeing that in the Val...but I want too!

So far, I really, really, really like it...but I can't say that I LOVE it yet...hopefully love will blossom before my return period ends! LOL
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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2006
Santa Fe, NM
I don't even know what is meant by a 'delicate' neck. Do you mean as if it was fragile? I certainly don't get that feeling at all and my Valentine's neck is prettier than everyone else's combined. ;)


Active member
Aug 8, 2016
I don't even know what is meant by a 'delicate' neck. Do you mean as if it was fragile? I certainly don't get that feeling at all and my Valentine's neck is prettier than everyone else's combined. ;)

See my post right above yours...I tried to explain! LOL


Apr 26, 2017
Indio, CA
See my post right above yours...I tried to explain! LOL

Having played an SG pretty extensively I think I get what you mean, they're very delicate, and are known for snapping at the neck joint since there is so little material keeping it connected. However I can't say I've felt that same feeling of unease when playing a Valentine, since it has a 5 bolt neck same as any other MM. All the ones I've played have felt rock solid to me.

When you say the tone wavers based on any movement that actually makes me think of my Luke more than anything, since the bridge is set to float so high the pitch can seem to waver and I can have pretty heavy attacks and bends.


Active member
Aug 8, 2016
I think it's just me pulling the neck...I notice it most when sitting back on the couch - my right arm laying across the body and then I guess my left arm pulls slightly back on the neck causing the pitch to go slightly sharp.

Standing or sitting "properly" like in the studio it seems ok so I'm fairly certain it was a combination of "fat guy slouch" on the couch along with listening too criticality.

Still not head over heels in love, but it's getting a little better. My biggest thing now is that it doesn't necessarily fill any gap in tones for me compared to my other guitars (admittedly I probably have too many guitars at this point!) so it comes down to whether or not I keep it for another reason (like how good looking it is!!)

This is kind of rare for me - usually I know right away whether a guitar is a keeper or not...this one isn't like that so it's like I'm in uncharted territory! (And it's not inexpensive which gives the decision more weight.)
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Apr 26, 2017
Indio, CA
I would also consider checking the neck alignment and make sure all the neck screws are tight, just to be sure.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2012
The Valentine neck has got to be close to the top of the list of best necks ever.


Active member
Aug 8, 2016
Yeah guys - I've pretty much ruled out anything wrong with guitar or neck...but thanks for the tips.

My only real concern with the guitar now is like I said above - it doesn't necessarily bring anything new to my stable as far as tones go...and there's nothing wrong with that. I just have been buying guitars recently that filled gaps my collection might've had. The Val doesn't necessarily do that, but it's so nice looking that I might end up keeping it anyway! LOL


Well-known member
Jun 24, 2016
I just have been buying guitars recently that filled gaps my collection might've had. The Val doesn't necessarily do that, but it's so nice looking that I might end up keeping it anyway! LOL

Congrats on the new guitar! I understand looking at the tones a guitar is capable of producing and trying to optimize your collection in that sense. One of mine is also currently making me feel a bit like I perhaps don't need it.

Another way to look at it in this case: Does the new Valentine cover a range of tones that might otherwise necessitate taking more than one guitar to handle it without the Valentine? I don't own a tele (my son has one in the house) and can't see myself ever purchasing a tele of any make now that I have the Valentine. As it stands, I still have one of the NAMM special edition Valentines on order, but got my trans maroon one last month rather than wait another 9-10 months for the NAMM one. My current inclination is to string one of the Valentines with flats when the second one arrives. So, perhaps what you really need is TWO Valentines? :)


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
AZ High Country
Still not head over heels in love, but it's getting a little better. My biggest thing now is that it doesn't necessarily fill any gap in tones for me compared to my other guitars (admittedly I probably have too many guitars at this point!) so it comes down to whether or not I keep it for another reason (like how good looking it is!!)

This is kind of rare for me - usually I know right away whether a guitar is a keeper or not...this one isn't like that so it's like I'm in uncharted territory! (And it's not inexpensive which gives the decision more weight.)

fwiw, I'm in a similar spot. I'd been curious about the Valentine since they came out. When the SBMM version was announced at NAMM, I ordered one of those on the spot, and have had plenty of time to get to 'know' it.
It's absolutely a fabulous guitar with it's own personality, and I have no complaints with it. However, after the honeymoon phase, I'm just not really bonding with it. It doesn't really give me anything special that I don't already have, and it certainly does not replace any of my Tele's. I'm considering moving it on at this point.
Now, one with an MM90 in the neck position, like CB mentioned in another thread, that might be interesting indeed... ;)


Apr 26, 2017
Indio, CA
fwiw, I'm in a similar spot. I'd been curious about the Valentine since they came out. When the SBMM version was announced at NAMM, I ordered one of those on the spot, and have had plenty of time to get to 'know' it.
It's absolutely a fabulous guitar with it's own personality, and I have no complaints with it. However, after the honeymoon phase, I'm just not really bonding with it. It doesn't really give me anything special that I don't already have, and it certainly does not replace any of my Tele's. I'm considering moving it on at this point.
Now, one with an MM90 in the neck position, like CB mentioned in another thread, that might be interesting indeed... ;)

The only problem with an MM90 Val is that you lose the coil split functionality, which I think is a major factor in the appeal of Valentine guitars. Oh well!


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
AZ High Country
True, but with the MM90, you simply wouldn't need it... :cool:

I've tried a few Tele's with a normal bridge pup and buckers in the neck, and that just didn't work for me. Just a personal preference, but my favorite sounds from a Tele are a good neck pup and the middle position...
If I were a country twanger, things would be different, of course...:p
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