• Ernie Ball
  • MusicMan
  • Sterling by MusicMan


New member
Dec 4, 2022
Hey - My Bongo brand new which was manufactured in April 2022 had its battery latches fused/stuck under the frame. I could not remove these with ease and had push down and pull back with a flathead screwdriver using a cloth to mitigate friction. However, this led to the latches snapping and now will most likely need to replace the battery compartment. Contacted customer service and they gave me advise on a technique to remedy, but also indicated that I could purchase a new battery compartment if it is damaged from dislodging the tabs to release them from under the battery frame. As I predicted, these snapped when I used the technique to open. Has anybody had similar issues?

This seems like a design flaw (plastics/Injection molding cavity flow out of range/material tensile strength) and the do not want to purchase a new battery compartment every time I replace the batteries. I would hope this is covered under warranty but am feeling the direction to purchase one new is not addressing the issue. Very annoying for an instrument of this price tag to deal with. I have other basses from other manufacturers that have no issues with battery compartments or latches...............ever.


BONGO battery.jpg
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