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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2002
Pekin, Illinois
Well, I got my first real opportunity to sit down with an EVH the other day at Guitar Center in Chicago. They had two, a black flame-top stop tail, and an amber quilt-top Floyd Rose model.
I played the amber one.

I've never had the chance to play one, and was always curious what the major difference was with the Axis. The first thing I did was pick up an Axis, and plugged it into a Mesa Dual Rectifier. I played it for a little bit, and then plugged in the EVH.

My initial impression on the sound was that the EVH was a little brighter sounding than the Axis. I'm not sure what to attribute this to since the pickups are supposed to be the same, but it was noticible.
Playability wise, the EVH had an extremely fast neck, with nice low action. I could sense that the neck was slightly different from the Axis, but I couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was(no pun intended).

I can see why the EBMM EVH owners say that they prefer the EVH to the Axis. There was a noticible difference in tone, and playability. That being said, I didn't think that the differences were dramatic enough to say that they are two different guitars.

I would have to say, I would love to have an EVH if I could afford one, but I'm satisfied with my Axis, even after playing the EVH. I always heard people talking about how different they are from the Axis, and wondered if I was missing out on something spectacular. I found the differences to be minor, and I think the Axis retains the overall character of the original EBMM EVH.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2002
I think you summed it up well. I think the EVH has a more comfortable, broken in feel to the neck. That's probably the biggest difference. I think the rear body contour on the Axis is an imrovement though.

I would never trade my EVH for an Axis but I think the Axis is an excellent instrument. I'm also a big believer that you get use to whatever you play. Given that, it wouldn't surprise me to hear that Axis owners actually prefer the feel of the Axis to the EVH.

I have to wonder how quality differs between the two since there are so many more Axis' guitars produced each year compared to only 1,000 each year of the EVH models when they were being produced. Seems they would have to make some shortcuts somewhere on the Axis but that's probably an unfair assumption. I'm not familiar with their production process.


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2002
Pekin, Illinois
I'm not sure if it was just the age of the guitar or what, but the finish on the top of the EVH seemed to be different than the finish on the top of the Axis.

It would be interesting to find out if they are using a different kind of piant or topcoat on the Axis than they did on the EVH.
The top on the Axis seems to look "glassier" than the top on the EVH, like the EVH used some kind of varnish as opposed to a lacquer.

Other than that, I cannot detect any kind of quality differences between the two. I've heard some people say that the quality of the figuring on the maple tops has gone downhill, but the top on the EVH I played wasn't that impressive. The quilt just didn't have any depth, so I think it's always been kind of hit and miss with that.


Dec 2, 2002
I believe the quality of the two guitars is pretty much the same...
However the neck on the EHV is 1/32" more narrow than the axis.....
I fell deeply in love with the EVH in 1991. It still Is a work of art that should have never been altered. I would have owned at least one.....but I am a lefty....I almost bought a fixed bridge version and flipped it, but couldn't get myself to acctualy do it.....I may get a axis super sport...But the EVH still is the best in my opinion.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2002
Scottsdale, AZ
Call it what you will, but after owning and playing both, the sequel is NEVER better than the original. (Why do you think I'm replacing my Axis with a second EVH?) :)


P.S. Yes, IMHO, the quilt quality (of the wood, not the construction) has gone down post-EVH. I had a red Axis that had just an ungodly quilt on it. I kicked that thing to the curb (not literally) like it was my old lady. ;-)


Dec 22, 2002
I own both myself, and one thing that does bug my a little is where they put the pickup selector on the Axis. On the EVH, the switch is out of the way, where as on my Axis i kinda don't like it being under the volume knob, but that's just me. I love them both, and would like to get another Axis someday(I'm heading towards the Aqua Blue!) If the wife will let me!


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Active member
Oct 2, 2002
Technically, I think the EVH had the "digitally laser scanned" neck of Eddie's 5150 Kramers so that's why you get the worn in feel.

The Axis obviously doesn't have the same neck. I think the Axis pickups are not the same as the "custom" DiMarzios in the EVH.
The controls are different so I would never consider them to be a before endorsement and after endorsement guitars. They are totally different except for the body shape.

Having owned both, I think the Steve Morse is the best EBMM guitar out there. I just do not like playing single-cut guitars much. The Luke is also a monster of a guitar too. The Petrucci is over-priced and the knobs are too small/low for me and comes in a close 3rd. JMHO.


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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2002
AVH said:
Technically, I think the EVH had the "digitally laser scanned" neck of Eddie's 5150 Kramers so that's why you get the worn in feel.

You are CORRECT Sir!
(that's an impersination of Phil Hartman doing an impersination of Ed McMahon)
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Dec 2, 2002
Let me set the record straight regarding the neck and the Pickups....

THE PICKUPS: The pickups in the Axis Are the same pickups that were on the original EVH.....Music man has the patened, not EVH. That is why eddie had to redesign the pickups for the peavey Wolfgang.

THE NECK: The only difference in the neck on the Axis as opposed to the neck on the EVH is the fact that the width is 1/32nd wider on the upper-registar.
The neck still has the same Asymetrical worn-in side to it. You can feel it. This info comes straight from Music Man.

I don't know why there is so much mis-information about this guitar. The Axis is every-bit as much of a guitar as the EVH.




Well-known member
Oct 11, 2002
Fair enough.

It isn't an insult as far as I'm concerned but there is a considerable difference in feel between the two necks. Many would probably prefer the Axis to the EVH so it isn't an issue of "best". I prefer the EVH and notice the difference every time I pick up an Axis.

When it comes to necks, a slight difference in specs can make big difference in feel. That's why the "perfect" neck can be so hard to define.


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Dec 2, 2002
agreed hbucker...agreed...

I might also be jealous because I'm a lefty and could never get an original EVH!


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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2002
Pekin, Illinois
I really wasn't trying to hit any sore spots with anyone with the old "Axis vs. EVH" arguement.

I was merely trying to offer an opinion as to what differences I noticed between the two guitars.

I understand that owners of the original EBMM-EVH feel a tremendous amount of pride about their guitars, as well they should. I did say that there was a noticable difference between the two guitars. I wasn't trying to imply that if someone has an Axis, that it's the same as having an EVH.

I guess my point was this:

If you are going to get a guitar with the intention of having that EVH sound and feel, the Axis will get you there. You can get a brand new Axis for probably $1300.00. If you can get a EBMM EVH in new condition for that kind of coin, more power to you.
Most of the ones I've seen are $2000.00 and up. All I'm saying is, I don't think that the differences are great enough between the two guitars to spend an extra $700.00 to $1500.00 on a used EVH as opposed to a new Axis.

On the other hand, new Wolfgangs list for what, $2100.00?
You've got a better chance of sprouting another penis than of seeing me buy a new Wolfgang over a used EBMM-EVH for the same money, and the EVH could be in any condition.


Dec 2, 2002

that's some funny ****!

Wolfgang to me is just Eddies son....not his guitar. That guitar has
always bothered me...talk about a bad neck! It confuses me as to how that
neck was ever produced....comming from the original EEMM EVH neck?

From soup to nuts..all that guitar is, is a rip-off of the EEMM EVH. PERIOD.

You have some solid views, i must say.....do have any pics of your guits?


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2002
UGO said:

that's some funny ****!

Wolfgang to me is just Eddies son....not his guitar. That guitar has
always bothered me...talk about a bad neck! It confuses me as to how that
neck was ever produced....comming from the original EEMM EVH neck?

From soup to nuts..all that guitar is, is a rip-off of the EEMM EVH. PERIOD.

You have some solid views, i must say.....do have any pics of your guits?

Is this from the guy who gets upset about misinformation? On one hand your slamming it for being a "rip-off" On the other hand it sounds like you're slamming it for having a completly different neck. So is it bad becuause it's different or because it's a ripoff? The same guy designed both guitars. I think his tastes are consistantly reflected in both.

I own an EBMM/EVH and two different Woflgangs. I have to say I like every one of them and each has it's strong points. I understand if you don't prefer Wolves over the EBMM products but I personally think your statement was a bit exadurated.

EBMM makes great products. They speak for themselves without having to slam other products to make them look better.


Dec 2, 2002

I'm not trying to make EBMM products looks any better or worse or anything.

It's just a fact...the Peavey is a RIP-OFF of the original. PERIOD.

They coppied everything from the headstock...to the binding...to the pickup design...to the truss rod wheel....to the unfinished neck......to quilt top.....to the body shape.....It's not even a subtle take on the original.....

And I love Eddie just as much as the next person....BUT don't be gullable enough to think that the original EBMM EVH wasn't a STRONG collabaration between the two....It's a stolen design as far as I'm concerned..... A rehashed work of art.....


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2002
Pekin, Illinois
Hey Ugo, thanks for the compliment. I don't have any pics I can upload right now of my guitars.

Anyway, I may have to take exception to the idea that the Wolfgang is a rip-off of the original. Here's my take:

Eddie designed a great guitar with Ernie Ball. He really broke new ground with the design of the body. He basically created a whole new style of guitar. Now there is the Strat, Tele, Les Paul, PRS,and EVH style bodies.

When Eddie left Ernie Ball, it wasn't because he was unhappy with the design, or even the quality of construction, it was because of the amount of time customers had to wait to get a new EBMM EVH. (I won't entertain the rumors of wife screwing)

So Eddie went to Peavey to design a EVH guitar with them. To me, it's no suprise that the guitars are so similar. The same guy designed them, and he obviously liked the concept that he came up with for a body shape. Some would even argue that the Wolfgang is a more refined design, because he had an opportunity to see the things he would like to change from the original design.

I think the addition of the carved top, and tone knob really set it apart from the EBMM EVH. Now if Peavey would have come out with the Wolfgang Flametop Special right off the bat, I would have to say that you would be correct in your assertion that it was a total rip-off.

I feel that I should mention that I have owned four Wolfgangs. a Purple Standard Flametop, a Black Special, a Black Standard, and a Tobaccoburst Flametop Special. I thought all of those guitars were great playing, great sounding guitars. I can't say anything bad about any one of them. I switched to EBMM because I personally think that the tone, quality, and construction are superior to the Wolfgang. This should come as no suprise once you compare the construction time of a Wolfgang to the construction time of an Axis.

Hey man, they are both great guitars. I can't knock Eddie for wanting to get his product to the people faster. He produced some of the best guitars ever made with Ernie Ball for a while, and the spirit of that guitar is still retained in the Axis. He is still having great guitars made, but I think the original is embodied more in the Axis than in the Wolfgang.


Dec 2, 2002

You do make some great points.....

BUT.... I remember when eddie was first starting to rant and rave about EEMM EVH before it was born...he raved about how the non-contoured body was something that he had always wanted in a guitar....that flat top was something that he always lobbied for...AS WELL AS THE ONE VOLUME KNOB!

It's just that Peavey had borrowed soooo much of ernie's traits...

(Binding, headstock, pickup colors, the quilt top, the headstock,)

Artisticly speaking you can't argue the rip-off in terms of design. It was as if they just had to tweak otherwise they would have just produced the same guitar. If I were Peavey, I'd be embarassed to execute such a "Borrowed Design"

And let's face it...What other great guitars does Peavey manufacture?
mmmm? I can't think of another....

Then you look at EBMM's line up and every single guitar stands out, and is it's
own masterpeice.

I understand Eddie wanting people to easily aquire his instument....but let's get real for a moment.....Do you think the switch in companies had anything to do with MONEY!!!!! I'm sure that was the driving force behind the whole switch....I'm as sure as that as I am of anything. I mean....he Knew EEMM was a small company from the get go. He knew and used to praise the fact that they would only be producing the EEMM EVH in small batch to keep the quality high. It was one of the original sell-points! So the fact that Eddie all of a sudden woke up one day and decided he felt bad that kids were not able to get there hands on his guitar without waiting a while..does not convince me.

It's all about the CASH. PERIOD. I personaly thing he should have just stayed where he was and stuck to his guns. I mean NO BODY else has left Ernie Ball's line-up. Just Eddie.....and he left to produce a worse guitar, that is a blatant morph of an original collaboration that made guitar history.


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2002
Pekin, Illinois
Well sure it's about the money. I didn't mean to imply that Eddie was so deeply concerned about the mental anguish of his fans that he felt compelled to switch companies to get them their guitars faster. A more likely scenario is that once the EBMM EVH was out a while, he saw a growing demand for his guitar that Ernie Ball could not meet with their more exacting production methods. I'm sure he wanted to put an EVH guitar in the hands of everyone that wanted one so that he could get the money.

I will agree with you on most of your points, EXCEPT Peavey can't make a high quality guitar. Some other good Peavey guitars were the Destiny, Cropper Classic, and the Vandenberg.

The problem with Peavey is, their high end stuff is really good, but everything else they make is crap. So unless you are shelling out $1200.00 or more, you never would know that they make a quality instrument. If you start out on one of their $300.00 guitars, you will probably never buy another Peavey guitar again.

Ernie Ball doesn't make a crappy line of guitars. Every guitar Music Man produces is top quality. To me, this makes Music Man a better choice than Peavey for getting a quality instrument, but to say that Peavey can't produce a quality instrument is taking ones enthusiasm for Ernie Ball a little too far.

Like I said, I have no question in my mind that an Axis is better quality than a Wolfgang, but the Wolfgang is still a very good quality guitar. I would sooner spend $1500. 00 on a new Wolfgang, than $2500.00 on a new PRS or Les Paul.

I do think that the MSRP on the Wolfgang is rediculous. I would never pay anywhere near full price for one. I think quality wise, the Wolfgang(Standard Flametop) rates as a solid $1200.00 guitar. I think the Axis is priced about right for the quality, and Gibson and PRS are just INSANE!

Ernie Ball is the very best quality for the minimum amount of money. I would put the quality and playability of any line of Music Man guitars up against Gibson or PRS any day.

Hey man, I'm not trying to run you down or anythin UGO. You are entitled to your opinion on Peavey, and on the Wolfgang. I think we agree on most points in principle. I really am uncomfortable being put into a position where I have to defend Peavey, but I feel strongly that the Wolfgang is a high quality guitar, and enough of a variation on the original design(EBMM) to make it desireable to own one in addition to either an Axis or an original EVH. If it's an "either-or" choice, I would definately choose an EBMM, and if I ever ended up owning an Axis and a Wolfgang, I would probably trade them both in on a EBMM EVH if I could find someone to do it.


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Dec 2, 2002
I agree with you on most points as well.....you have very valid points.
I can tell you really know what your talking about.

I also own a silhouette special pearl green (one of the early ones)
w/ a RIO GRANDE' FAT BASTARD (p90 hummbucker) in the bridge. Cool Axe.

Hey, I meant to ask....Pickup wise....do you prefer the dimarzios or the peavey's in the EVH's

what amps do you own....

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