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  • MusicMan
  • Sterling by MusicMan


New member
Apr 13, 2024
New Hampshire, USA
Hey all, I have a really nice EBMM Stingray that sounds and plays great - but I love the EBMM Sterling necks better given the slimmer jazz-ish profile and nut width. Given that EB doesn't out license necks, how does one go about getting a replacement? Pics below of my bass for your enjoyment :)

image0 (3).jpeg image1 (3).jpeg


Active member
Jan 1, 2019
Moyock, NC
You can sell yours and buy New one with smaller neck using the new Custom order site:)

Or call CS and ask if they will sell you one


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2007
Spring Lake, MI
Looks like your Stingray has 21 frets and I think all Sterlings have 22 frets. I'm not sure what that does to the geometry as far as tuning, but you may want to look into it before you invest any $$$.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
My Place
Looks like your Stingray has 21 frets and I think all Sterlings have 22 frets. I'm not sure what that does to the geometry as far as tuning, but you may want to look into it before you invest any $$$.
Absolutely ! Ive swapped many MM necks but always SR to SR and Sterling to Sterling. You cannot swap across the two designs.

You might consider a custom cut nut to get nearly almost what you want. I would keep the G notch right where it is and gather the other three progressively closer to the G.

You can also just buy a Sterling nut. Theres no restriction on buying nuts, tuners, saddles, battery boxes, etc. I would still endeavor to mount that nut with the G notch right where the previous G notch was.

Seems to me that if (huuuuuge "if") anyone has a neck to sell you, you DO NOT want a Sterling neck. The neck you want, *IF* Im not mistaken, is from a StringRay Special. But thaz a nearly hopeless quest, and easily $500+ .... if you get lucky against the absurdly steep odds. Swapping your SR for a Sterling should cost far less than that $500+ price of a neck that no one is selling anywaze !

Keep in mind that if you were to sell your SR and buy a Sterling you would be changing far more than just the neck guage. The PU and associated electronics will be noticeably different as well.

Sterling tone is brighter than SR tone but, TO MY EARS, my Sterling SH can mimic my SR 1H quite nicely, due to the incusion of the neck PU on the Sterling SH. YMMV.
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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
New Jersey
Isn't that what the SLO special necks on Stingray basses were? Neck with the thinner / narrower sterling profile?

Anyway, I don't know if EBMM makes those necks anymore, since the new stingray special has a 22 fret neck. You can contact them, but probably looking for a stingray 4 with a SLO special neck would be your best option to get what you are looking for.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
My Place
There is one other bass that puts a Sterling neck on a StingRay. The name of it can be confusing. The EBMM (USA) S.U.B. Sterling.

Most USA SUBs are essentially StingRays, but a few are labeled Sterlings. Those differ significantly from non-SUB EBMM Sterlings in that they DO NOT have Sterling PUs and electronics. They have standard StingRay PUs and electronics (3band). HOWEVER ! They have the Sterling neck that you want !

Sooooo .... bottom line, if you can find an EBMM S.U.B. Sterling youve got StingRay sound and a Sterling neck. I just measured the width of the string set on mine, at the nut, and its 30mm across the 4 strings. Then I checked a StingRay and it measured 37.5mm. If you can find one of these its way less $$ than an SLO or a StingRay Special.

Finding one is tricky, partly cuz its kinda rare but grossly cuz the word "Sterling" is so problematic, and adding "EBMM" and "USA" will NOT help in the least cuz google will ignore those. If you hunt for one online watch for the black headstock and black neck. Those are the reliably trustworthy signs of the real thing. If you can filter your search for prices over $599 that would knock out most of the false hits.
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New member
Sep 7, 2015
Vancouver Island - Canada 🇨🇦
You can sell yours and buy New one with smaller neck using the new Custom order site:)

Or call CS and ask if they will sell you one
Thanks for this info I’ll try it … I’ve had a problem with one of my two Albert Lee artist guitars and have been racking my brain for a solution : I don’t want to order counterfeit which I know there is an option for that and I don’t want to put a Clapton fender Stratocaster neck on it so I will phone them. My guitar tech of 36 years was flabbergasted by it and could not fix it - he could feel the problem I described so at least it wasn’t me loosing my mind or religion over it.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
My Place
Heres a USA SUB Sterling for sale on Reverb. The black headstock reads "SUB Sterling Bass" in white.

Its in the rarer color. You get a Sterling neck with normal StingRay PU and 3 band electronics. The SUBs are "slab body", no contours. AFAIK they are always poplar wood.

Its listed on Reverb for $1000 with case.

The black one, with an upgraded pick guard, is mine. Its NEVVVVVUH for sale cuz it was built on my birthday, but its a much clearer picture than the Reverb listing. BTW mine cost $700 very many years ago so I guess that the $1000 Reverb price is fair today.

IMG_7077.jpeg IMG_7078.jpeg IMG_7078.jpeg
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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
My Place
The neck on the above bass still has 22 frets, making it incompatible with the pre-2018 Stingrays.
Its incompatible with EVERYTHING including other EBMM Sterlings. Its unique to the USA SUB Sterling.

Its 6 bolts like an SR but its otherwise a 22 fret very jazz style Sterling neck. Normal EBMM Sterlings are 5 bolts. But why are you bringing up compatibility anywho ???


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2007
Spring Lake, MI
Its incompatible with EVERYTHING including other EBMM Sterlings. Its unique to the USA SUB Sterling.

Its 6 bolts like an SR but its otherwise a 22 fret very jazz style Sterling neck. Normal EBMM Sterlings are 5 bolts. But why are you bringing up compatibility anywho ???
The OP is looking for a neck with a Sterling profile to put on their 'Ray.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
My Place
The OP is looking for a neck with a Sterling profile to put on their 'Ray.
And he has been advised that it cant be directly installed onto an SR. Compatability went off the table weeks ago. It has already been established that the only workable solution is a complete bass having a Sterling type neck. IMG_7078.jpeg
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