I'm working on a 2006 AL right now and I'm having trouble setting it up to where the action stays level/raises slightly from frets 12-22.
Everything I've done:
Leveled/crowned frets, gave a slight fade away on frets 17 and up
Set relief to .010
Current action above 12th fret: just over 4/64 on high E and 5/64 on low E (with in between strings generally following a proportional gradient)
Meausured the following up against my other 2011 AL (ALHH) maybe the dreamiest playing instrument I own (which is set to the same action/relief as above):
Clearance of fretboard above the body: either the neck is slightly thinner or the pocket is carved slightly too deep as the fretboard of the 2011 sat about .5mm above the 2006 where the neck is attached to the body. The previous owner had a small shim at the BOTTOM of the neck pocket which I removed. The action was lowering up to the top of the fretboard then and and continued to lower after I removed it. SO! I reshimmed to favor the top of the neck pocket with a gradient of .5mm at the top to .2 at the bottom (for the initial clearance equalling the 2011 AL and figuring to give an angle to sink the heel slightly into body but not as severe a degree as just raising .5mm at the top which is too much), I don't have the saddle room to get the action high enough though once it gets raised you can tell the angle between 12-22 is better).
Nut slots: the slots on the 2006 were slightly higher than the 2011, so I evened those out (definitely helped a bit).
The action now stays about flat up the board, still a slight reduction, and everything sounds and plays great EXCEPT, due to the still slightly reducing action + radius the high E chokes out a little on bends above the 16th fret.
So does nut slot deepening mitigate the need for the shim, or at least an angle compensated shim? Or should I still play with raising the top OR bottom of the heel?
Everything I've done:
Leveled/crowned frets, gave a slight fade away on frets 17 and up
Set relief to .010
Current action above 12th fret: just over 4/64 on high E and 5/64 on low E (with in between strings generally following a proportional gradient)
Meausured the following up against my other 2011 AL (ALHH) maybe the dreamiest playing instrument I own (which is set to the same action/relief as above):
Clearance of fretboard above the body: either the neck is slightly thinner or the pocket is carved slightly too deep as the fretboard of the 2011 sat about .5mm above the 2006 where the neck is attached to the body. The previous owner had a small shim at the BOTTOM of the neck pocket which I removed. The action was lowering up to the top of the fretboard then and and continued to lower after I removed it. SO! I reshimmed to favor the top of the neck pocket with a gradient of .5mm at the top to .2 at the bottom (for the initial clearance equalling the 2011 AL and figuring to give an angle to sink the heel slightly into body but not as severe a degree as just raising .5mm at the top which is too much), I don't have the saddle room to get the action high enough though once it gets raised you can tell the angle between 12-22 is better).
Nut slots: the slots on the 2006 were slightly higher than the 2011, so I evened those out (definitely helped a bit).
The action now stays about flat up the board, still a slight reduction, and everything sounds and plays great EXCEPT, due to the still slightly reducing action + radius the high E chokes out a little on bends above the 16th fret.
So does nut slot deepening mitigate the need for the shim, or at least an angle compensated shim? Or should I still play with raising the top OR bottom of the heel?